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VPS Index :: Introduction to Virtual Private Servers

The VPS hosting platform forms the essential part of some of the world's highest demand web applications, from large electrical or mechanical industries, to worldwide entertainment sites, to mission-critical financial and healthcare applications.  

Virtual private servers are a means of splitting a single physical server into multiple virtual servers. Virtual private servers are sometimes called virtual dedicated servers. The practice of partitioning a single server so that it appeared as multiple servers was common practice in the days of mainframe computers, but has seen resurgence lately with the development of software such as User-mode Linux and Xen.

Web hosting companies developed the virtual private server to provide features usually reserved for a dedicated server at a more affordable price. An increasing number of web hosting users needed more flexibility, custom configurations, and root access, and the concept of a true virtual server fit their needs perfectly.

Most VPS plans are hosted on either Linux or FreeBSD, but they do also exist in the Windows world. Unix or Linux side VPS plans are good because the costs of Windows VPS plans tend to be significantly more expensive than Linux or Unix plans, but it doesn't mean that Windows VPS pans are not suitable in any condition.

Is VPS hosting is fit for me?
VPS hosting plans fill the gap between entry level Web hosting plans that offer specific services (such as PHP / MySQL , or Perl /CGI) with a limited amount of disk space on a shared server, and co-location hosting plans. If you're outgrowing a shared hosting plan, but aren't ready for the financial commitment of co-location, a VPS hosting plan could be the ideal middle ground

Selecting the VPS for your hosting platform gives you more of everything. As a scalable, managed solution, the VPS decreases your time to market, allows you to focus on your core competencies, and frees up limited resources.

Uses of VPS
Virtual Private servers are now become popular in many fields.

The most valuable use of VPS is in the web hosting industry, where they fill a void between virtual hosting and dedicated servers, allowing root level access without requiring sole ownership of a server.

Virtual private servers are also used to provide “honeypots”, allowing a machine to run software with known security flaws.

VPS are used to establish “sandboxes”. E.g. a single physical server might have two Virtual Private Servers, one hosting the website and other one has its copy. Now for updating, there is no need of several physical servers. Because updates and testing can be made in second VPS

Other Virtual Private Server Articles

Advantages and Disadvantages of VPS Web Hosting
It is true that with a Virtual Private Server you still share system resources like the CPU and RAM with other users but the resources are allocated in such a way that you cannot tell that the system has anyone else on it?

Criterias for Choosing a Virtual Private Server Web Hosting
There are many pretenders out there who claim they offer VPS technology, but be warned: not all VPS offerings are equal.

Unix & Linux (4)
Host Unlimited Sites at $9.95/mo , BlueHost Professional Web Hosting , ProLogic Unix Plan , Interland Shared Hosting

Budget Hosting (5)
$6.95 Multiple Hosting , Budget Reliable linux, php mysql hosting , Dot5 Hosting

Ecommerce Hosting (5)
Top Web Hosts , Internet Service Provider , PowWeb Ecommerce Hosting , EDI

Windows Hosting (3)
Windows Logic Plan , Professional Windows Hosting , iPowerWeb Windows Pro

Dedicated Servers (4)
iPowerWeb Dedicated Servers , StartLogic Dedicated Server , Interland Dedicated Hosting , Dedicated Server

Virtual Private Servers (5)
VPS Hosting by WebsiteSource , Apollo Hosting VPS , StartLogic Virtual Server , $6.95 VPS Web Hosting , Interland Virtual Private Servers

Reseller Hosting (4)
iPower Reseller Program , Hostgator , Apollo Reseller Hosting , allreseller.com 5.95 per month Huge plans

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